Dual Enrollment Virtual PERT Test Request Form

Virtual PERT is available for Fall 2025 Dual Enrollment applicants. To be eligible, candidates must have already applied to the Dual Enrollment program and received the email containing your VID number.

This request form will be available until Friday, April 4th, 2025 at 12pm.

Fields marked with an must be filled out to submit the form.

My Information

We will send your virtual PERT testing instructions to this e-mail address.
Please note: high school e-mail addresses are not accepted.

Have you applied or re-applied to the current Fall 2025 application cycle?
Have you previously taken the PERT test with Valencia College (virtually or on-campus)?
Virtual Testing Disclaimer

Virtual testing may not be the fastest option to obtain your scores and move forward with course registration. Once your request to test virtually has been submitted, there is a processing period that can take up to 3 business days or possibly more in times of high volume.
- Upon completing the virtual PERT, your scores will be visible to you immediately after testing, however, these scores are NOT entered into your account instantly. Your recorded test session must first be validated and the processing period for this can also take up to 3 business days or possibly more in times of high volume.
- Success in virtual testing will depend on your comfort with troubleshooting technology on your own as well as your network reliability.
- Live tech support is limited for virtual testing and may not be available depending on when you choose to test.

By submitting this form, you are agreeing to the following:
- Having stable Internet access
- Having a computer with audio capabilities
- Having a webcam or laptop with a camera that can show the whole room and desk space
- Being recorded during your testing session with your face in view at all times
- Following all testing rules that ensure the integrity of your testing session or your scores will be invalidated