Poster Request

Print Services Collegewide
Please fill out the short form below.

Fields marked with an must be filled out to submit the form.

Contact Information

Billing and Delivery Information

All requests will be delivered via interoffice mail.
Please allow 3 business days for processing and delivery (this may vary based on complexity of request and workload).

Start typing department name or index code to see suggestions.

Start typing a mail code to see suggestions.

Poster Information

Before submitting a poster, please read this important poster printing information

Acceptable file types: .docx, .pdf, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .indd, .psd, .xlsx, .pptx, .ppt, .zip, .pub. Maximum allowed file size: 10.00MB

Poster Printing Instructions

Posters are printed on semi-gloss photo paper and charged at $0.008 per printed square inch (approx. $1.15 per square foot)

Poster Size

Please choose a poster sizing option below.
Custom Size: If your poster is to be printed to an exact size, use this option.
Scale Size: This option will scale your file in proportion based on one dimension (Height or Width).

Note: Max poster size 41.5in x 60in

White space:

To ensure the piece of paper is the exact custom size provided, the printer may add white space to the poster. Please let us know how to proceed if added white space is required.

Scale the file by:
to the measurement of:

(41.5in or Less)

For example:
Scaled by WIDTH, a letter size (8.5inx11in) portrait orientation file would scale to 24inx31in, 36inx46.5in, or 41.5inx53.7in.